Sunday, February 15, 2009

A Sweet Valentine

Posted by Brittany, 2-15-09
Yes indeed it was a very sweet Valentine's Day for Addie Ting-Ting, and this was not because of her sweet behavior. On the contrary little Miss Ting-Ting is developing quite a personality of protesting when things are not going the way she wants. We know this fiery spirit is a good sign after months of being so passive, but her craving for sweets and her mini tantrums when the cookies are gone or the fudge has been put out of sight, are quite something. For example right now she is growling at Ron because he is not feeding her the hot fudge sundae fast enough. Brother Jo-Jo has been sick this week and lost some weight. Now truly when I look at them side by side I wonder who weighs more-my almost 5 year old or my almost 2 year old?

Refusing to sit down in the sink for her bath!!!

This Friday Ting-Ting had some special visitors. Teresa and her young daughter Stacy came for a visit. They are from Taiwan and do business here in Milbridge buying sea cucumber skins from Uncle Lawrence's processing plant. The spent an hour or so visiting and speaking Chinese to Addie. I wasn't sure she would know what they were saying, but it appeared that she did understand, and at times she was very excited by their conversation.

Ron was able to make a nice short video of our Chinese New Year Party. Everyone who came has commented they had fun, so it seems that plans are already in the works to make this an annual celebration.

We received a call just the other day from our home study agency indicating it is almost time to do the follow-up 6 month post placement study. It is hard to believe that soon she will have been with us for six months. She has grown and changed so much, and so totally belongs here with us.