Friday, October 10, 2008

Grins and Goats

Looking at the calendar it is hard to believe that next week will be the one month mark for Addie joining our family. Bayley and I first met Addie on September 16, 2008. Looking at the pictures from that day and thinking of how she appeared and how she is today, really is amazing. Addie is still very closed and many, many hours of her day are spent quietly observing the world around her. When out and about, people comment about her sad little face and ask why she doesn't smile. We don't know the answer, but only know that grins are reserved for only the most special occasions, like games of "Duck, Duck, Goose" with Jo-Jo, "Hippopotamus Hunting" with Tommy, and "Pulling Hair" with Bayley. She is not enthusiastic about practicing walking, and though we hope to strengthen her muscles with floor time, she absolutely detests our tummy time sessions. Crawling looks like it just may not happen, but she sure does have a very proud expression on her face, when she grasps our hands and pulls to standing. Without a doubt she really has made remarkable progress. I am the lucky recipient of the sweetest kisses ever. This week Ting is taking some tastes of food, mainly ice cream at Nannie's, and fresh squash at Nana and Buppa's house. She is allowing some tooth brushing, but is still hesitant about having a spoon near her mouth. Most exciting, Addie is actually swallowing some tiny bits of solid food. Soft blueberry Nutrigrain bars seem to be a favorite.

She is so funny about her bottle. When I offer her juice she is really not interested, but when she sees the Vanilla Pediasure drink, she is excited and makes very assertive vocalizations. This week Addie Ting has gained over a pound. She now looks around the room with a unique expression of anticipation when she hears Bayley, Tommy, or Jo-Jo's voice. She has learned to cough whenever Ron pretends to cough. She loves having Ron kiss her neck, and though she doesn't smile, she looks at him and makes a short mmm sound, meaning do it again. Just last night she seemed interested for the first time in a game of peek-a boo. The phone is also of great interest this week. Twice today I watched as she put the phone appropriately to her ear and uttered a most definite Chinese greeting of one kind or another. Her Uncle Lawrence bought her a walker which converts to a walk behind stepper. She seems to enjoy this, and hopefully her confidence in standing will grow.

On the sadder side, Addie is very scared of patty cake, and any clapping noise. Doors slamming also produce an odd response. I cannot help but wonder what these fears stem from. The more I read about the effects of living in an orphanage the more I am able to understand Addie's behaviors. Truly her mannerisms when upset, tired, curious, and excited do have a different quality to them and leave us wondering, until I get to the next chapter in a particular book on children raised in orphanages and then the behaviors are explained.

This weekend Addie met more cousins, and really seemed interested in them. Today was Open Creamery Day at the Painted Pepper Goat Farm. We took all of our kids, and there met friends Elizabeth and David and their newly adopted daughter, Abigail, from China. Jo-Jo loved the goats, Bayley loved the horses, and Tommy was in heaven as he wandered from pen to pen sharing some rather obscure facts about goats to anyone who would listen. Addie was a bit surprised when a goat decided to nibble on her dress. She had better get used to it though, because we ordered two goats for the spring. Do you think 5 ducks, 2 cats, 1 rabbit, 2 dogs, 1 lizard, and 2 goats qualifies as a farm?


Paula Ray said...

Sounds like a farm to me. You could call it Addie's Farm. Tom might object though. Nana will need to learn about goats now.Good adventures for Addie Ting to be trying out. A trip to a farm and ice cream has to create a good feeling.How wonderful to meet her friend Abigal there. They share much in their past and wonderful families to help them in the future.She is growing!!

The Gang's Momma! said...

Oh girl, you SOOOOO got a farm goin' on there :) We only have a cranky old kitty and some fish. Well, that and one or two really fat and happy groundhogs who keep eating the neighbor's flower garden to bits.

Such a great summary of your time at home. We were just noting the other morning that we ought to buy stock in those cereal bars - Li'l Empress loves them too.

Big week of adjustments here, too. Saw a return of some of the self-comforting behaviors this week, after the very big, overwhelming family reunion on Saturday. Was worth it tho, for my grandma's sake. Now that we're home again, have to buckle down and work on crawling. Tummy time is a big cry-fest here, too :(

Alicia said...

I love Tingy's dress and matching hat in the pictures!! I think its so funny that the goat order has been made and will be on their way come spring! Now all you need is some horses for Bay to ride and some cows for Tom to milk and you'll have it made!

Dawn Fickett said...

I love hearing of the growth that Addie makes each week through reading your blog! The trip to the farm sounds like quite the adventure. And, yes, I do think you are getting extremely close to qualifying for a farm, but Ron can attest to the wonderful experiences you gain from such an endeavor! Addie looks so adorable. With all the love you guys are giving her, I am sure you will continue to see improvements every day. The walker was a great idea. I still remember when my kids were little how much they loved to move around the house in it. It was a great way to help strengthen their legs and will help Addie improve those leg muscles. Before you know it, you'll be trying to keep her out of everything!

jenw said...

Hey Britt & Ron,

What a busy house you must have. Goats!?! I don't know! May want to get some tips from Jane Bell on farm living!

I am so glad to have seen Addie again. In a week's time, she seemed so alert and ready to learn. She has such a curious expression and a clear bond with Bayley & you. She knows her family.

I look forward to your posts and cheer with you all as Addie Ting progresses. What a beauty!

Love to all,


Sarah said...

Addie really is beautiful! So glad that she is making such wonderful progress.