Most often when I think of November, I think of cool days and cold nights, turkeys and pies, and of course giving thanks for family and friends. This November something else also comes to mind, because November is National Adoption Month.
Not flesh of my flesh
Nor bone of my bone,
But still miraculously my own.
Never forget for a single minute,
You didn't grow under my heart,
But in it.
Another week has flown by, and Addie Mei Ting continues to surprise us with all she is learning. She has developed a great love of shoes. Several weeks ago, she started just by playing with laces, but this week she loves putting her own feet in anyone's shoes that are available. On Saturday, Addie enjoyed visiting with many, many people at a baby shower for her soon to be cousin Natalie. The way she enjoyed playing with the presents and pulling on the bows and ribbons, lets us know that her first Christmas at home will be a magical one. In the eating department, Ting Ting has decided that she likes to use a spoon by herself. Now, she cannot quite get the spoon into the dish and get food on it, but once someone gets the food on the spoon, she snatches the utensil, and in the mouth it goes. This is quite an accomplishment considering just several weeks ago, she freaked out whenever a spoon came near her mouth. Mobility-wise, we are getting faster scoots across the room, some pretty good balance while standing, and a few steps here and there. She is also showing improvements with her fine motor skills as she plays with toys and especially blocks. And of course we cannot forget to mention Ting Ting's new fascination with shaking her head "No" at EVERYTHING. The kids get quite a kick out of it when we ask her "Do you love Mama?" or "Are you a good girl?" and she vigorously shakes her head "NO."
Imagine when Nana asked "Is it cold outside?" and she shook her head "no." It made me feel so wimpish. This little wise girl. She knows much. Of course she likes shoes! I am the recipient of some good "loves" this week.She is definately growing.
Addie is so adorable. I can't believe how much her looks have changed since she's come "home!" I really love the adoption poem. It brought tears to my eyes! (I'm a softy like Mary.)
I'm so glad that Addie is making such progress. She continues to blossom like a beautiful flower opening up! God bless you all.
Love, Dawn
I am so looking forward to the next update on Addie's progress and I can well remember my own children shaking their little heads "no" about just about everything. It almost seems like I'm returning to those times through your little Addie. Fond, fond memories. Time moves along so very fast!
I am so looking forward to the next update on Addie's progress and I can well remember my own children shaking their little heads "no" about just about everything. It almost seems like I'm returning to those times through your little Addie. Fond, fond memories. Time moves along so very fast!
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