Today was really incredible. We began the day by visiting a Living Hope Orphanage Training Center for unadoptable children. They are unable to be adopted because they are either too old or have a known living relative. In China even if the relative is unable to take care of a child, that child is still unadoptable because there is a known family member. At the orphanage the children are given an education and then supported in making the transition to adulthood whether it be on to college or vocational training. I was so glad Bayley had the chance to see this place. It was a great lesson in being appreciative of all that we have compared to so many others, and this was the case even though this was probably a much higher standard orphanage than most in China. The headmaster and employees of the school were very welcoming to us, and the kids were even more excited to have us tour their school. Above are some pictures of Bayley sitting in a classroom, one of her in the older girls' dorm, and a group photo in front of the school.
After the orphanage we were able to experience something words cannot truly describe. The Great Wall. It was difficult climbing to say it mildly. I was huffing and puffing and sweating and thinking wow, I am feeling old. Bayley was sprinting. I could only make it up to one tower and then half way to the second. Passing out looked very probable at one point today. Fortunately the husband of the family we are touring with, continued on with Bayley, and they went to tower three. When they descended, both Bayley and Todd, were shaking and trembling, as it really does a number on the knees and legs.
While Bayley was still trying to conquer the Great Wall, I tried my skills elsewhere -at the Squatty Potty. These toilets are holes in the floor, and one must strategically stand over them to urinate and just hope for the best in regards to dry undies, pants, and shoes when finished. Surely in another week I will be successful at least once.
This evening we were treated to an amazing acrobatic show. Our Chinese guide, Sam, has really done a terrific job selecting the sights and the delicious restaurants. Once again, it is making the wait to finally meet Adeline a bit easier. We are so happy to hear that Elizabeth and David made it home safely with Abigail. We were able to use Skype and speak with Tommy and Ron and Jo-Jo. This was a treat. Thank you to everyone checking in on them. It makes our homesickness and worries a wee bit less.
Tomorrow morning we fly out to Nan Chang. There was a glitch in our paperwork which had indicated we would be heading to Nanning. Luckily our guide caught this, as it was a full 1000km difference in where we needed to be to meet Addie.
We're getting closer to Gotcha Day, as the day is known in adoption circles.
What an incredible adventure you two are having! We are all so eager to have you back safe and sound with Addie, but certainly are enjoying your blog.
Glad you got to speak to Ron and the boys. I'm sure that made you all feel a little better. I'm delivering their supper tonight.......probably spaghetti.
Safe travels tomorrow as you begin the biggest (and best) part of your trip!
Love and miss you!
Nick, Todd, Brynn, & Myah
PS - Myah can't believe the potty!
Awesome photos. What an incredible experience for you & Bay...
(Looking forward to that spaghetti, Nicki :-)
We are another LH family!! We hear you are with the driver FAN! Please say hello to him from our son Hayden!! Hayden loved FAN! They became friends while we were there in Beijing!!!
Congratulations to you!!!!
Auntie Bec here. Hope you are enjoying the sights and sounds of China! What a journey! Can't wait for the pictures of Addie and you.! Luv you both so much. Photos are great!
We are happy to see you are having a great adventure. I have to sent this link home so I can show it to the kids -- they will be very excited to see the culture there. (That is if I can find all this out -- I have never bogged before so it have been an experience in it self) We love you and can't wait to see picture of the new cousin.
Absolutely AMAZING pictures!! Bayley looks so grown up! Can't wait to see the ones of you two and Addie!!
Yes, Bayley does look grown up. Too grown up for Nana who would say don't climb any higher!! Secretly I am glad that someone was there with you to continue the trip upwards. Such an adventure for a little grown up girl.Sounds like your guide is helpful to you in many ways. Imagine the snafu that could have transpired with the travel glitch. You are so close to getting to Addie now. Stay safe.We checked on the boys and of course took Jo-Jo out for his nightly ice cream.He was talkative about Addie coming home soon and needing a pet of her own.Tom was as mature as always and discussed the care and feeding of newborns and adopted children.He explained in detail why Addie could not be breastfed.Such wisdom. Talk later, Love, Mom and Dad.
OMG...Bayley is growing up way too quick! I wondered who the young woman was that you had taken a picture of and then realized a couple of pictures down that it was Bayley!! How awesome that you guys are being able to experience all the great sights of China. This has certainly been a great way to keep you occupied and your minds busy until the big day! I saw Abigail on Saturday when David & Elizabeth came home...what a beautiful little girl!! Now I can't wait to see the newest member of the Ray-Smith clan! Love and miss you.
We can't wait to see our new cousin and your picture together.
(one of these days I will figure this blogging out)
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