Today we had a very lazy day of just hanging out at the hotel. Addie just didn't want to go to bed last night. She wasn't fussy, but refused to rest. She just lounged in her pajamas playing with her toys. The only problem was I was so ready for bed. Additionally Bayley and I have had some pretty bad belly aches. The only think that seems to help is tea . Addie's health reports indicate she relies too heavily on the bottle and battles attempts to feed her solid food. Bayley and I found that to be true as well, but we kept trying the rice congee and rice noodles that babies in China eat. Today there was a serious breakthrough in the eating of solid food. A couple Bayley and I met from Montreal gave us some peanut butter they had brought with them, as there is no such thing in China. Bayley and I wolfed down peanut butter and jelly on toast. From the corner of my eye I saw Addie's little mouth going up and down as if to say, "let me try." Worried about a peanut allergy, I decided to let her try bread and blackberry jelly. Wow!! She loved it, and kept smacking her lips for more. It was great to know her belly was getting something other than liquids. Later in the aftenoon, Bayley was craving chocolate ice cream. She ordered some down in the hotel restaurant and brought it back to the room. Once again, the little mouth started to move, and Bayley let Addie take a taste. That one taste turned into many more. She was so serious looking when eating this food, but upset when Bayley slowed down on feeding her. Tell Lawrence it looks like Joshy's has another new customer.
Bayley and I are very excited to fly out of Nanchang in the morning and head to Guangzhou. In Guangzhou we will stay at the White Swan hotel which is famous for catering to adoptive families. There they have a large playroom for children, many shops within the hotel, and access to American style food. That may sound trivial but I am really craving something familiar. I had a dream about a BLT last night, and Bayley has talked a good deal about french fries today. I think a new setting will be good for Addie as well. She seems to learn a great deal by exploring her surroundings, and this hotel room is getting pretty boring. When she came to us on Tuesday she could not roll from her belly to her back, but now she can go both ways with ease. On Tuesday she couldn't stabilize herself well for sitting in the bathtub, and today was a huge improvement. We practice a great deal putting her in a crawling position, but she still doesn't have the strength for this. I think I may have said before how we were worried about her being all grown up at 18 months, but truly she is so like a 7- 8 month old. Her big brothers have lots to teach her. Speaking of those brothers, Bayley misses them, and I cannot put in to words how much I miss them.
Today when I was sharing stories with the couple from Montreal I heard a sad one. I explained how when we went out yesterday, crowds would gather to ask about the baby. Their experience was a bit different. Their daughter has a repaired cleft lip and will need palate surgery when she arrives home. The doctors did a beautiful job, yet yesterday on the street they were stopped by people who made faces at the little girl and mocked her lip. Their guide explained that a cleft lip is seen as bad luck to many here in China. Bayley wonders if Addie's weak muscles made people have an "I don't care attitude" for her in the orphanage. I too wonder if anything but perfection in children elicits such an attitude from many here.
P.S. Bayley wants Tommy to know that he must watch out for his books, because Addie likes to eat books. Bayley's novel looks quite rough around the edges now.
Sorry for those bellyaches. Tea is still a good thing. A report here said perhaps all dairy in China from companies should be avoided because of the tainting with cream was listed and at least one type of bar was recalled with choc. flavoring. So there you go Bay, "no more ice cream until the USA." Nana says so.I feel better! If you were here I'd tell you about the recall and then take you out for a giant hot fudge sundae !! We can't wait for Addie to try her first ice cream. She's coming around.Sounds like she may be trying to stay awake to make sure she won't miss all the love and attention she has recently got.When she gets home she will have even more from Ron and the boys. Hope the travel to the White Swan goes well and she is not too scared of flying.Enjoy your more comfortable surroundings.NO MORE ICE CREAM or DAIRY for a few more days.Should we stock up here on Peanut Butter?? Love to all,Mom?
Hope you have a good flight today and get settled in your new hotel. Three more days you can make it. I'm so glad to hear that Addie is making so much progress.Just getting out of that crib and on the floor will make such a difference. Bay you are helping her so much to learn new things. She will miss you when you go to school during the day. I agree with Nana stay away from dairy till your home. We all miss you and want you home. Take care, Love Auntie Janie and Neil
Look at that ice cream face! She is going to fit in so perfectly. I agree with Paula, more dairy for you guys. Too scary.
I hope your travels go well today. Perhaps you will find some sort of American dish at the new hotel to calm your home food cravings for a couple more days.
I saw Ron and Jo-Jo yesterday. Jo was deep in the woods searching for a "mysterious set of rock stairs that he found last week." I can't wait for you all to be together. What fun Tommy and Jo will have with Addie!
Safe travels! Love you,
Todd, Nicki, Brynn & Myah
We are all missing you guys so much! It sounds like Addie is doing well & making some good progress.
The boys are doing well. Jo-Jo and I visited Great-Grandmothers yesterday. Both Great-Grammie Smith and Nannie are so excited about meeting Addie. Tommy had a super day with Alicia - they picked apples and made some neat tee-shirts. Nicki brought over a scrumptious lasagna that the boys, Alicia, and I most enjoyed.
We tried to Skype last night, but you guys must have been sleeping in :-) We ended up going to bed quite early.
We are off to the Common Ground Fair today. Based on their visit yesterday, Paula thought Jo-Jo would probably need a stroller, as the fair is pretty spread out. Should be a lot of fun!
Safe travels,
Ron & the boys
Sorry about the tummy aches - I've been having those dizzy spells that you and I had in Beijing. The Boss thinks it's exhaustion from being on the alert with cough-y, gaggy Aidan. She's better today and I'm hitting the hay early. Really soon!
Sounds like Addie is coming out of her shell - she's got great taste: blackberry jelly and chocolate ice cream. Sounds delish!
Missing home tons - just talked to the kids. Put them on speaker to listen to Baby Blue Eyes get his bike and it just made me miss them more :(
Love the pictures and the updates. Hang in there, only a few more days until you are back! Glad to hear Addie finally ate some solid food! Have a safe trip home, we will see you soon!
Lori and Linny
(It has taken me 3 days to get this note onto the blog!)
Hi Brittany, Bayley and Adorable Little Addie,
I was so delighted to get word of your blog yesterday. At last this morning I was able to read from start to finish, and it is terribly exciting! Your diary is so well written with such good pictures. Perhaps you should publish it (in all your spare time!!!)
What a boon to have Bayley on this adventure. Bayley, I have always thought you were quite a remarkable girl, and now this extraordinary experience is expanding your perceptions of the world, of China’s cultures, of your relationship with your mom, and of this amazing attachment process with your adorable little sister. What a gift for all involved!
Sweet little Addie, you are a brave soul navigating this turbulent transition. All you have known is your crib, your caretakers and staff, your foods, your routines, your smells, your language, your sights, and what it feels like to be held in certain ways. And now every one of these, and many more elements of the life you have known, have changed. Who are these different-looking faces, with different voices and language coming from them? You are not familiar with the different temperaments and tempos of these new caretakers. What is this new crib, these new foods, this different room, and these new daily routines? It must be so exhausting for all your senses to be adjusting to so many changes all at once. And yet, as we all can see from the wonderful blog that your Mama is sending, each day you are becoming more familiar with your new experiences. You are beginning to love the delightful interactions with your amazing new sister, and with your extraordinarily capable, adaptable, and devoted new mother. Each day your facial expression becomes more relaxed and your smile can’t help but emerge. Your eyes sparkle with alertness as you take in so many new things. We can watch you become more connected each day. Although difficult for your new family to wait for your trip to Maine, it is good that you have this two-week period to make so many adjustments before you take your first flight to a whole new world where you will meet your wonderful new father and brothers.
Brittany, you are really something! I am so pleased you are keeping us all up to date on so many details, both physical and emotional, of this exciting journey. You have great instincts, sensitivity, flexibility, and overall good sense to make this adjustment for you all as smooth as possible. What fun and how supportive for you and Addie to have Bayley with you.
Gay sends love and stamina as you cope with next week’s adventures and your trip home.
It's always good to have a lazy day...I'm sure it was much needed! Tommy and I spent the day yesterday picking apples, eating some Chinese food (in celebration of Addie) and buying supplies for her homecoming. Tom and I made really cute Big Brother shirts for him and Jo-Jo! We bought huge poster board and paint and the boys went to town. Tom's says "Welcome To Maine Addie" with pictures of things native to the state. Jo-Jo's says...take one wild guess..."Here You Go Addie" haha He did a great job painting in the lines! So keep an eye out for their signs when you get off the plane. I think Jo-Jo wanted to keep his nightly routine of ice cream trips, so in the absence of Nana, he asked me and boy didn't he wolf it down! Tommy didn't come with us because he was busy in the tub but politely requested that we bring some back to him! Have a safe trip! Only four more days!!
You are probably in or on your way to Guangzhou--You're on the home stretch now!
Please tell Bayley that the fries at Lucy's are very good--they were Abigail's first!
We are all counting the hours until we see you. After you've had a good rest--the jet lag going home is a bit rough--we must get together with the girls. I can only begin to imagine how encouraged you must be by Addie's progress--she's leaping forward with the care, love and attention she's getting. Give her hugs from us and Abigail.
E, D, & A
ps--The women at the bank can't wait to see you and meet Addie!
You are on the home stretch now.Can't wait to take Addie out for her ice cream. Hope Jo-Jo agrees with adding her to his routine. If not, two trips. Everyone at church today asked about the progress and many in the congregation are tuning in to the blog for updates and stories from you and Bayley.Cousin Joan and family are following along but getting in to the Google blogging has not worked out so far.She is thinking of you. Safe travels.They have peanut butter and blackberry ice cream here in Milbridge!! Love, Dad
Great web site...... thanks for sharing your adventure. Looking forward to meeting the new addition to the Ray-Smith family! Thoughts and prayers are with you all for a safe journey home. See you soon. Rhonda & Dave
Hope the airplane trip goes well - this will be the preview for the long ride back to America.
uhnphgcHi Bayley Ray,Brittany and Addie ! :)
I hope you guys feel better, you're almost home now! I miss you Bay- see you soon!
Luv, Anna Banana
Auntie Bec here also saying to please avoid those dairy products until you guys get home! Glad you have nice, safe place to relax before you get home! The boys seem to be doing great and Alicia is a such a wonderful caretaker. Addie looks so much more at ease than she did in earlier photos. It shows she is making such good progress with your love and care Bay, you have been such a wonderful big sis! Bet the boys cannot wait for your arrival home! Just a couple more days! luv you all Auntie Bec
Auntie Bec here Hope you are enjoying your new hotel. It looks beautiful! Addie looks so much more at ease in the more recent photos! That means she is making progress with all your love and care! Bay, you have been such a wonderful big sis!Just a few more days you will be home! We will all be glad you will! The boys cannot wait! Luv Auntie Bec
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