Tuesday, September 16, 2008

She's Just Like Her Brothers and Sister

Addie's report from the orphanage states that she is a great sleeper and quietly drifts off on her own after being placed in her crib. I guess she decided that now she is a Ray-Smith child she would do as those before her have done - not sleep. Each time I tried to place her in her crib, she screamed and screamed. That didn't bother me at all, since Ron and I have always been used to having at least one child sleep with us, so I snuggled in next to her in the big bed. She kept her hand on my face and just as she would drift off, she would startle and look at my face and then scream. It was a very tough night, but eventually she did take a bottle of formula. Today has been a sad day. Most of the morning she was very depressed and sullen. Whenever I would say that I was Mama, she would hang her head and pucker. We went to breakfast at the hotel buffet, and she refused to eat and would not look at people. We met a very nice couple from Montreal, and they are here adopting their second child from China. They were super comforting to Bayley and to me, because they shared that their first daughter was extremely traumatized when they first got her and the sadness lasted a while. After breakfast Bayley dolled Addie all up in a pretty pink outfit for our outing in the People's Park of Nanchang. She resisted the hat at first, but Bayley softly explained that until her hair grew out it would cover her flat spot on back. She fell asleep at the park, but Bayley and I enjoyed the sights. Many elderly Chinese people exercise and dance in the parks. After the park we went to a shop and purchased a tiny tea set for Addie to have from her province which is famous for its porcelain. After lunch our girl really came to life, and this was a relief from her sad morning. She loves Bayley's silliness. If Bayley growls, she growls. If Bayley squints and sniffs, she does the same. We also realized that she knows our names. If I say where's Bayley, she turns and looks directly at her. Addie has also become very fascinated with the mirrors in our room. Bayley and I shook our heads about the reports we were given from the orphanage that stated she took steps on her own. Clearly this was not possible, as her legs are so weak. At breakfast the family from Montreal told us their report indicated their little girl could run and walk, and she cannot walk at all. Addie does love to play with her feet. She rips her socks off and loves to pound her feet on the crib sides. We are going to take a short walk outside after dinner, but the temperatures here are stifling , and this is not a place that feels quite as safe as Beijing, not to mention how scared I am of the traffic.

More than ever we are starting to feel homesick. I know we can do it, but I miss my boys so so so much, and it will be wonderful to get Addie home where she belongs.


The Gang's Momma! said...

Father, in Jesus name, I bring Brittany, Bayley and Addie to you. I ask that you be near to them and minister to each of them in the way that they uniquely need right now.

Father, I pray especially for Addie. Lord, comfort her in her fear and transition. Whisper to her of Your Love and use Brittany especially to be the hands and feet of Jesus to this little girl. Father, I pray that you empower Brittany to love this child ferociously and unconditionally and that she be able to rise above the exhaustion and fear to be that safe place for little Addie.

God, you created this child for this family and we are certain that you are already at work. Continue that work that you have begun in such a way that all the glory goes to Your Name. Envelop them all in your love and your comfort. Give them strength for the day.

We love you Lord and we are so grateful for this little one you have blessed the Ray-Smith family with. In Jesus Name, AMEN AND AMEN!

That's what I would say if I was in the hotel room next door. Followed by a big hug. :)

Alicia said...

you thought from the begining that she was going to be a sad girl, just by the pictures that were sent to you before, but those pictures you posted with the blog don't look like a very sad girl to me! in fact, that last picture looks very much like a Ray-Smith smile! keep your chin up and you will all be home before you know it! we miss and love you and can't wait to get our hands on that beautiful little girl!

NSJ said...

Your newest post is so full of progress with Baby Addie! The little pink striped outfit makes her look so much like a Ray-Smith too. I can't wait for my girls to wake up and see the new pictures.

It's probably not funny, but I have laughed about the sleeping. : ) I'll bet though, when Addie gets to Milbridge at her knew home and things settle down a bit, that she will sleep. After all, who wouldn't sleep in that beautiful room of hers!

I'm sad (but not surprised) that you are feeling homesick. Only a few more days. You two gals have more strength and courage than anyone I know.

I saw Tommy and Ron yesterday, and they have a certain glow about them, knowing that Addie is now truly yours. When I saw them on Sunday, Jo-Jo typically blew me off and grinned -so he is fine too. I asked Tommy what he wanted me to cook for them this week, and he told me that he wanted venison. I just might have some gift deer meat in the fridge for Tom. : )

Hang in there. Hugs for you all!

Love you,
Nicki, Todd, Brynn, & Myah

Paula Ray said...

I saw a lovely smile in the last photo.She looks good in pink too. That means she has two of Bayley's special qualities already. Seriously, I'm glad that Bay has been such a wonderful help to you Britt and sounds like she is a comfort-maker to Addie.I wish you could just come home. A few more of those "red tape" days and you will be on your way.We miss you both so much. The blog and talking by Skype has helped though.Stay safe today. Can't wait to hear how much she "grows" overnight.Love, Mom

Unknown said...

It's pretty hard for me to work when I have tears in my eyes... Addie is sooo cute in the pink outfit with the hat and I was elated to finally see a smile on her face, it truly transforms her. I miss you and can't wait to have you safe and sound at home (even if you won't be here at work). You're about half way through this thing...home & family are at the end of this long road! Love you--Mary

EAH said...

Britt & Bayley--

Hang in there! David and I know that feeling of wanting to come home! There were moments during our stay that were almost overwhelming, but of course, we got through it and you will too. Believe it or not, when the day before our departure arrived, I was surprised how quickly it had come. I do believe that the bonding that you and Bayley are able to do there, without all of the other responsibilities of home, is a crucial step in this bizarre, complicated, and very scary (sometimes) process. The progress that you make in China will help Addie to bond with her Daddy, brothers, and all of the other aspects of her new home and environment.
We think of you constantly! It's so exciting to hear about the progress that the newest Ray Smith is making. We too heard so many stories of very withdrawn and sad children who slowly but surely, in fits and starts, accepted and rejoiced in their new new families. Can't wait to see all three of you. Way to go Bayley!
E D & A

The Gang's Momma! said...

OH YEAH! I forgot to say I'm diggin the hat - sooooo cute and ladylike.

Sleep tight, all you little Chinese bed bugs :)

Dawn Fickett said...

Brittany, Bayley, and Addie...Hang in there! Before you know it you will be on the long flight home and then safely back in the great state of Maine with all those who love and miss you.

Addie may be sad at times, but look at the life she's had. That sadness will turn into joy in no time at all (I think it already is) and I think the special bond she and Bayley are forming now will help her make the transition to her new home much easier.

Keeping you all in my prayers! :)
Dawn F.

Carol said...

It took about 4 days for Emily to even make a sound, but then she started coming around pretty quick. The first night she was very sad, she had tears, but made no sound.....I say this because my photos look much like yours! She will start coming out soon...hang in there!!!

The Ashbys said...

Its okay if she can't do something, just look at it this way, you will get to see her first steps and you can help her achieve that mild stone.
I am going to see grampie smith tomorrown night in Bangor (I have a conference) and will take this blog with me so he can see little Addie

Auntie Janie said...

Howla, Howla, Hang in there Britt & Bay she will be coming out soon. She just needs to feel safe! Sleeping close will help. Everything is new and probably a bit fearful. Love will take over the fear and Addie will be just fine. A few more days, you can do it!! Love You, Auntie
Pat & Bob send their best wishes!! Mom and Wayne are very excited!!